WE'RE GOING VIRTUAL! JOIN US FOR AN ONLINE COMMUNITY MEETING: SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 | 4PM ATTEND VIRTUALLY BY VISITING WWw.PUNAGEOTHERMALPROJECT.COM Puna Geothermal Venture will address the following topics during the meeting: Facility update Hawaiian Electric update County of Hawai'i update PUNA GEOTHERMAL VENTURE A question and answer session will follow the presentations. An ORMAT Company WE'RE GOING VIRTUAL! JOIN US FOR AN ONLINE COMMUNITY MEETING: SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 | 4PM ATTEND VIRTUALLY BY VISITING WWw.PUNAGEOTHERMALPROJECT.COM Puna Geothermal Venture will address the following topics during the meeting: Facility update Hawaiian Electric update County of Hawai'i update PUNA GEOTHERMAL VENTURE A question and answer session will follow the presentations. An ORMAT Company