Get More Mileage from your Auto Loan. Get An auto loan from HCFCU can help put you in a new car, and on the road to your next adventure. 2.89% For all approved loons For a 5-year term. Other terms & condititions apply. Get Started Today! Apply online or in-person Call (808) 930-7700 85 HAWAII COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION or visit DELEBRATING YEARS OF OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration, *APR Annual Percentage Rate. APR will be based on your creditworthiness and length of repay- ment. Rate subject to change without notice. Certain terms and restrictions apply. Subject to insur- ance confirmation. Rate displayed is the lowest available for new vehicle purchase with a 5 year (60-month) term. Not all will quality for the lowest rate. Higher rates available for used vehicles. Offer good from May 16, 2022- June 30, 2022. Payment example: A loon of $10,000 with 3.99% APR with a 60-month term will have 60 monthly principal and interest payments of $184.14, which includes $1,04789 total interest paid. Offer applies to new HCFCU loans only. HCFCU membership is required. 17474 PLUS, $100 Gift Card minit stop $100 Gas Card! Get More Mileage from your Auto Loan . Get An auto loan from HCFCU can help put you in a new car , and on the road to your next adventure . 2.89 % For all approved loons For a 5 - year term . Other terms & condititions apply . Get Started Today ! Apply online or in - person Call ( 808 ) 930-7700 85 HAWAII COMMUNITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION or visit DELEBRATING YEARS OF OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration , * APR Annual Percentage Rate . APR will be based on your creditworthiness and length of repay ment . Rate subject to change without notice . Certain terms and restrictions apply . Subject to insur ance confirmation . Rate displayed is the lowest available for new vehicle purchase with a 5 year ( 60 - month ) term . Not all will quality for the lowest rate . Higher rates available for used vehicles . Offer good from May 16 , 2022- June 30 , 2022. Payment example : A loon of $ 10,000 with 3.99 % APR with a 60 - month term will have 60 monthly principal and interest payments of $ 184.14 , which includes $ 1,04789 total interest paid . Offer applies to new HCFCU loans only . HCFCU membership is required . 17474 PLUS , $ 100 Gift Card minit stop $ 100 Gas Card !