On-line Automobile Sales Buying or leasing a new car online is only essential if: To close a pending transaction that began before March 22 · To replace a totaled vehicle · To extend an expired lease · To provide transportation to essential workers if they have no other means of transportation. NO TEST-DRIVING OF ANY VEHICLE The buyer must certify that the purchase is essential for one of the above reasons All activities must comply with Social Distancing Requirements ORCHID ISLE Ford www.fordhawaii.com 1030 Kanoelehua Ave. Hilo · 935-1191 76-6319 Kuakini Hwy. Kona · 329-4851 Corner of Lako St. O @orchidisleford f orchidisleford Corner of Makaala St. On-line Automobile Sales Buying or leasing a new car online is only essential if: To close a pending transaction that began before March 22 · To replace a totaled vehicle · To extend an expired lease · To provide transportation to essential workers if they have no other means of transportation. NO TEST-DRIVING OF ANY VEHICLE The buyer must certify that the purchase is essential for one of the above reasons All activities must comply with Social Distancing Requirements ORCHID ISLE Ford www.fordhawaii.com 1030 Kanoelehua Ave. Hilo · 935-1191 76-6319 Kuakini Hwy. Kona · 329-4851 Corner of Lako St. O @orchidisleford f orchidisleford Corner of Makaala St.