Be Prepared! Disaster Tips from HFS Federal Credit Union Check with your agent. Keep your policy with you. Keep insurance policies, documents, and other valuables in a safe place less likely to be damaged if a hurricane causes flooding. You may need quick, easy access to these documents in a pinch. Know your coverages. HFS Federal Credit Union (HFS FCU) is the largest not-for-profit and member owned financial institution on Hawaii Island. For more information about HFS FCU and our eligibility criteria, contact the Credit Union by calling (808) 930-1400 or (800) 216-2666 toll-free. You'll see why HFS is the credit union where caring counts. @HFS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Where Caring Counts (808) 930-1400 (800) 216-2666 HILO · HONOKA'A KEA'AU KONA COAST SHOPPING CENTER . PRINCE KUHIO PLAZA WAIMEA CENTER fO NCUA DISASTER TIPS Be Prepared! Disaster Tips from HFS Federal Credit Union Check with your agent. Keep your policy with you. Keep insurance policies, documents, and other valuables in a safe place less likely to be damaged if a hurricane causes flooding. You may need quick, easy access to these documents in a pinch. Know your coverages. HFS Federal Credit Union (HFS FCU) is the largest not-for-profit and member owned financial institution on Hawaii Island. For more information about HFS FCU and our eligibility criteria, contact the Credit Union by calling (808) 930-1400 or (800) 216-2666 toll-free. You'll see why HFS is the credit union where caring counts. @HFS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Where Caring Counts (808) 930-1400 (800) 216-2666 HILO · HONOKA'A KEA'AU KONA COAST SHOPPING CENTER . PRINCE KUHIO PLAZA WAIMEA CENTER fO NCUA DISASTER TIPS