Mukashi, Mukashi...Gems Sale Saturday, July 23 and Sunday, 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Hawaii Japanese Center, 751 Kanoelehua Avenue We have carefully selected and prepared Once Upon a Time items for this very special sale that includes ceramic ware (cups, dishes, platters, tea sets, vases, sake sets); Japanese dolls; books and record albums; artwork and scrolls; Japanese movie posters; beautiful kimono, yukata and obi; and more! Please join us, you never know what one-of-a-kind gems you might find. Mahalo! For more information, call 808-934-9611 or email: Mukashi , Mukashi ... Gems Sale Saturday , July 23 and Sunday , 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Hawaii Japanese Center , 751 Kanoelehua Avenue We have carefully selected and prepared Once Upon a Time items for this very special sale that includes ceramic ware ( cups , dishes , platters , tea sets , vases , sake sets ) ; Japanese dolls ; books and record albums ; artwork and scrolls ; Japanese movie posters ; beautiful kimono , yukata and obi ; and more ! Please join us , you never know what one - of - a - kind gems you might find . Mahalo ! For more information , call 808-934-9611 or email :